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Garlic Lick Bucket

Garlic Lick Bucket

Regular price €635 EUR
Regular price Sale price €635 EUR
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Headstart Garlic Summer Lick contains a highly potent human grade source of garlic and is designed to reduce fly nuisance in livestock and issues associated with flies (for example summer mastitis).

Garlic is an effective way to create a repellent against flies and biting insects. When livestock are stressed or irritated then they are less likely to graze and therefore become less productive. By providing garlic in a lick which the animal consumes, the garlic is absorbed by the animal over the following days and is secreted out from pores in the skin to make the skin less attractive to flies and biting insects.

Contains 33% more garlic than competitor products.


Minimum online order of 30 buckets with a €30 delivery charge

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